import cv2
from pylab import imshow
import numpy as np
image_path = "/Users/ginoprasad/image_processing/gaussian blur test image.png"
img = cv2.imread(image_path)
(275, 491, 3)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f98406ebee0>
fact_cache = [1]
def factorial(n):
while len(fact_cache) <= n:
fact_cache.append(fact_cache[-1] * len(fact_cache))
return fact_cache[n]
sin = 0, 1, 0, -1 0 if even, 1 if odd, 1 if bitshift is even, -1 if bitshift is odd
def sin(x, num_iterations=100):
sin_nth_deriv = lambda n_: (n_ & 1) * (1 - (((n_ >> 1) & 1) << 1))
return sum(sin_nth_deriv(n) * (x ** n) / factorial(n) for n in range(num_iterations))
def cos(x, num_iterations=100):
sin_nth_deriv = lambda n_: ((n_ + 1) & 1) * (1 - (((n_ >> 1) & 1) << 1))
return sum(sin_nth_deriv(n) * (x ** n) / factorial(n) for n in range(num_iterations))
e derivative is 1 always
def e(x, num_iterations=100):
return sum((x ** n) / factorial(n) for n in range(num_iterations))
def newton_raphson(function, derivative, x=0.1, num_iterations=100):
for _ in range(num_iterations):
x -= function(x) / derivative(x)
return x
def sqrt(a, num_iterations=100):
x = 0.1
function = lambda x: (x * x) - a
derivative = lambda x: 2 * x
return newton_raphson(function, derivative, num_iterations=num_iterations)
pi = newton_raphson(sin, cos, x=3.14)
def G(x, y, sigma=1):
sigma_squared = sigma * sigma
return (1 / (2 * pi * sigma_squared)) * e(-((x * x) + (y * y)) / (2 * sigma_squared))
def get_gaussian_kernel(kernel_shape, sigma=1):
kernel_matrix = np.zeros(kernel_shape)
width, height = kernel_matrix.shape
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
x = i - (width // 2)
y = j - (height // 2)
kernel_matrix[i, j] = G(x, y, sigma=sigma)
kernel_matrix /= sum(sum(kernel_matrix))
return kernel_matrix
imshow(get_gaussian_kernel((5, 5), 1))
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9810075df0>
def discrete_convolve(f, g):
width, height = f.shape
width_max, height_max = g.shape
ret = np.zeros(g.shape)
for i in range(width_max):
for j in range(height_max):
if i-(width // 2) >= 0 and i+(width//2) < width_max and j-(height // 2) >= 0 and j+(height//2) < height_max:
spliced_g = g[i-(width // 2):i+(width//2)+1,j-(height // 2):j+(height//2)+1]
assert spliced_g.shape == f.shape
except AssertionError as e:
raise e
ret[i, j] = sum(sum(spliced_g * f))
return ret
def discrete_convolve_image(kernel, img):
ret = []
for channel in range(3):
channel_img = img[:,:,channel]
ret.append(discrete_convolve(kernel, channel_img))
return np.dstack(ret).astype(int)
def gaussian_blur(kernel_shape=(21,21), sigma=3):
kernel = get_gaussian_kernel(kernel_shape, sigma=sigma)
return discrete_convolve_image(kernel, img)
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f98100a4a60>
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f98416b32b0>
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f984170bd00>
print(newton_raphson(sin, cos, x=3.14))
kernel_matrix = np.zeros((5, 5))
width, height = kernel_matrix.shape
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
x = i - (width // 2)
y = j - (height // 2)
kernel_matrix[i, j] = G(x, y, sigma=1)
kernel_matrix /= sum(sum(kernel_matrix))
kernel_matrix[0:2, 0:1]
array([[0.00296902], [0.01330621]])
array([[0.00296902, 0.01330621, 0.02193823, 0.01330621, 0.00296902], [0.01330621, 0.0596343 , 0.09832033, 0.0596343 , 0.01330621], [0.02193823, 0.09832033, 0.16210282, 0.09832033, 0.02193823], [0.01330621, 0.0596343 , 0.09832033, 0.0596343 , 0.01330621], [0.00296902, 0.01330621, 0.02193823, 0.01330621, 0.00296902]])
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7f9831772700>